The Maudsley Addiction Profile

This was the technique used to interview participants to obtain important information for the study, which enabled the study to assess the effectiveness of drug rehabilitation and alcohol rehabilitation techniques. It is a brief questionnaire designed to asses the outcome of treatment. the questionnaire took about 12 minutes per patient. As much effort as possible was put in to create a common metric, which made the results easier to correlate. The summary of the questions were as follows:

  • Substance use – Frequency and intensity of use, Route(s) of administration
  • Health risk behaviour - Frequency and typical intensity of injecting, times sharing needles or syringes, number of sexual partners when not using condom, times had sex without using condom
  • Health - Frequency of physical health symptoms, frequency of psychological health symptoms
  • Personal/social functioning - Number of days client had paid job, days missed through sickness/ unauthorised absence, days formally unemployed, contact/conflict with partner, relative and friends, frequency and typical intensity of criminal behaviour

Detailed Results

A report describing the rationale, development and field testing of the MAP has been published in the journal “Addiction”. The reference is: Marsden, J. Gossop, G. Stewart, D. Best, D. Farrell, M. Lehmann, P. Edwards, C. & Strang, J. (1998) The Maudsley Addiction Profile (MAP): A brief instrument for assessing treatment outcome, Addiction 93(12): 1857-1867.